Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My Daddy bought a clock, that will 'sing' for us FOR every HOUR . Type of songs like Minuet, Ode to Joy and more but mostly are classics songs that not all pianists will like it. You guys ada this clock? ;) Pfft, of course lah they have it -,-' and I've started to feel veryyy annoying. Think of it, for every hour, that clock will sing. Rumah lain lik every 6 hours, mann~! Think about it. You're watching tv alone downstairs during midnight and suddenly, that movie is showing you the suspense part and later, your great grandfather wooden and ticking clock singing for you. Watdafish -..- benci.

d Eand by : diyana diane darice daffodil dicharmm elise roze xD

p/s: I heard a bom sound. Could it possibly the bom frm Penang is transferred to here? ;O *refer to news, folks.

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